Santana Moss's father is a corrections officer in Dade County's Metro West Correction's facility.
Santana Moss's birth name is Santana Terrell Moss.
Santana Moss, or, Santana Terrell Moss plays for the Washington Redskins as a football wide receiver, of the National Football League (Otherwise known as NFL). Moss was originally picked by the New York Jets in 2001 and has been selected as All-Pro once.
His father died when he was 12
Carlos Santana's father, Jose Santana, taught him violin at 5 years old. By 8, Carlos had switched to guitar, and by 11 the family had moved to Tijuana, and he was playing in clubs.
Robert Reed Church{father} and Louisa Ayers{mother}
Carlos Santana's father was Jose Santana, a talented Mariachi violinist, though not nearly as famous as his son.
His father is Dominican and his mother is African American. He was born in Harlem. So the answer is 'no'
Salvador Santana, Stella Santana, and Angelica Santana.
No as of today, 11-4-10, the Titans picked Randy Mosss up.
Rhizoids are thin, rootlike structures that anchor the moss and help absorb water and nutrients from the soil.
Ernie Terrell's birth name is Ernest Terrell.