Arthur Friedenreich was born on July 18, 1892.
Arthur Friedenreich was born on July 18, 1892.
Arthur Friedenreich went by El Tigre.
Arthur Friedenreich died on September 6, 1969 at the age of 77.
Arthur Friedenreich died on September 6, 1969 at the age of 77.
Arthur Friedenreich was born on July 18, 1892 and died on September 6, 1969. Arthur Friedenreich would have been 77 years old at the time of death or 123 years old today.
If you mean Arthur Friedenreich, he was a Brazilian footballplayer.
Carl Albert Friedenreich has written: 'Richard Wagner'
Kenneth Friedenreich has written: 'The Albany subplot and the emotional impact of 'King Lear''
December 15th 1928
Arthur Friedenreich scored 1329, even though they are not oficial, neither are Pele 1263 Artur Friedrich goals were scored at a lower level of football
Artur Friedenreich and Lionel Messi both scored more goals than Pele. Artur Friedenreich actually scored over 75 goals in a single year.