The phrase "some rules are meant to be broken" is commonly attributed to the American writer Douglas MacArthur. MacArthur was a highly decorated general in the United States Army and known for his bold and unconventional leadership style. The quote implies that there are certain situations where it may be necessary or beneficial to disregard established rules or norms in order to achieve a greater good or accomplish a specific goal.
Haley Longford
The phrase "Rules are made to be broken" is often attributed to the playwright George Bernard Shaw. It suggests that rules are not absolute and can be challenged or disregarded in certain situations to achieve a greater good or push boundaries.
The first syllable is the first sound/s or group of letters in a word that are broken into a sound or group of sounds when we speak the word. An easy example is a prefix. Examples:prefix -- Said pre...fixunkind - Said un...kinddisease - Said dis...easeSome words don't use prefixes but still has a first syllable, as examples:happiness - Said happ...pi...nesstelevision - Said tel...e...vis..ionAnd some words only have one syllable!dryniceedge
It means you have lost your acces to the RPG becasue you have broken the rules.
they had to slice right to left and a prayer was said.
Cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland. No, actually Horton in Horton Hatches an Egg. "I meant what I said and I said what I meant; an elephant's faithful one hundred per cent."
Horton says: "I meant what I said and I said what I meant... an elephant's faithful-one hundred percent" in the Dr. Suess classic Horton Hatches the Egg.
"it probably was not meant to be" this phrase to me only gives me one impression, the person who has had this said to them is being broken up with. The person saying this to you is saying that you are not soul mates and should go your separate ways to find such soul mates
The quote "I meant what I said and I said what I meant. An elephant's faithful, one hundred percent" is from "Horton Hatches the Egg" by Dr. Seuss.
yes. they both had a dat eand kissed. she said "you cheated" and he said "what?" then she said "I never kiss on a first date." then he said "Well, I don't play by the rules."
I Meant Every Word He Said was created on 1990-06-25.
The term "child's play" is used to describe a task or activity that is said to be easy. It is an activity that is guided more by imagination and creativity than by fixed rules.