It is because in ancient Greece, a messenger from Marathon, Greece, had to deliver a message to Athens, Greece, so he ran 26.2 miles to get there, then dropped dead before he could deliver the message to the king.The original Marathon was during an ancient Greek war. A messenger delivered a message after running 26 miles, then died.
26 miles was the distance the Greek runner covered, while running, to declare "Nike" after the last major sea battle during the Peloponnesian Wars. The Greeks begun honoring this distance as a 'marathon' distance.
there was a greek messenger who had to run 26.2 miles to deliver a message that was really urgent, he ran there and back, and after he died. his name was some version of marathon
He delivered the message and then promptly collapsed and died on the spot due to fatigue.
You are running 9 miles per hour.
At 100,000 miles or if it is running bad or missing.At 100,000 miles or if it is running bad or missing.
How many miles of rollerblading equal one mile of running?answer:4,000 miles
You are running at about nine (9) miles per hour.
A messenger by the name of Pheidippides, although there is some contention as to whether this actually happened. Pheidippides WAS sent with a request for aid from Marathon to Sparta, which was a distance of 240 km (which only took him two days). The story relates that he traveled back to the battle was was then sent to Athens with news of victory. Then, after running only 40km, he collapsed dead after announcing the victory.
About 2 miles running at a moderate pace.
Longer range. A carrier plane can deliver a bomb over a hundred miles to target, with accuracy. A battleship can deliver the same bomb only 20 miles, with poor accuracy (they have to fire salvoes and adjust from there).
Volitional exhaustion is the point at which a person cannot perform a muscular contraction and voluntarily terminates the contraction (Pitcher & Miles, 1997)Pitcher, J.B., & Miles, T.S. (1997). Influence of muscle blood flow on fatigue during intermittent human hand-grip exercise and recovery. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, (24), 471-476.