

Who deserve Sympathy?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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"You Deserve It" Used to show the viewer has no sympathy for the person who "deserved it".

Does Mrs Packletide deserve sympathy?

Mrs. Packeltide's Tiger is an Indian story about a woman who wanted a rare opportunity to shoot a tiger. She offered 5000 rupees for someone to catch a tiger so she could kill it. No, she does not deserve sympathy because she was not fair in her sport.

Why doesnt shylock deserve sympathy?

Shakespear arouses sympathy for shylock by putting quotes in like "does a Jew not have eyes, hands, ears ,organs or feet does not hurt laugh wounded by the same weapons as christians hurt by the same words ". This makes you feel sympathetic because it is if christians treat Jews like animals!!!!!

Does nagaina deserve any sympathy or mercy in Rikki tikki?

I think Nagaina deserves no mercy because she plans to get revenge on Rikki-tikki for killing her husband

Does lady Macbeth deserve your sympathy?

All human beings deserve some sympathy. To be sure, Lady Macbeth did a very wicked thing in pushing Macbeth to murder Duncan. But instead of gaining by it she got nothing and lost all she had, including her peace of mind and the love and companionship of her husband, who turned into a horrible monster. In the end she was so miserable and tortured by guilt that she killed herself. She may have deserved that end, but nobody can help but feel that it is sad what happened to her. If she had only been able to foresee that beforehand, she might have been happy.

Is sympathy a mood?

no, sympathy is a feeling

How do you spell sympathy?

Sympathy is correct.

When was With Sympathy created?

With Sympathy was created in 1982.

What is a sentence that uses the word sympathy?

I feel sympathy for my friend who lost her job.

What the Tagalog of sympathy?

Tagalog translation of sympathy: simpatiya or pagkaawa

How can the word 'sympathy' be used in a sentence?

I can give you several sentences.I have a lot of sympathy for her.His sympathy was appreciated.The funeral guests stopped to pay their sympathy to Mom.