If a hall of famer played for more than one team who decides what cap he wears when entering the Hall??
The player, himself, decides what hat will be worn.
A bathing cap is a silicone, latex or lycra cap which is worn on the head by swimmers.
The cap that was worn by the common soldiers during the American Revolution was called a tricorn. The shako cap can be traced back to War of 1812.
A woolen cap worn in Scotland is called a tam o' shanter.
The checkered cap was deemed appropriate for golf and weekend motoring.
cap worn by a slave upon becoming free in the french revolution
the capi
It is worn in Korea. Hope I helped xx
The skull cap worn by a pope, cardinal or bishop is called a zucchetto.
New Era
A stylish cap or hat worn with panache, usually at a cheeky angle... a beret is one example.