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Q: Who besides the conscripted soldier suffers from the draft laws?
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How were soldiers recruited to fight in the US and North Vietnam and South Vietnam Also if there was a military draft who was eligible for this draft?

All three nations conscripted their men. All able bodied men were eligible for the draft.

Were young men conscripted into the army during the Vietnam War?

Yes. If by conscripted, you mean drafted. The draft effectively populated the ranks of the US Military during this war. The draft of the period was by lottery drawing, and there were conditions that young men could use to avoid being drafted. You can read more, below.

How could a southern soldier get out of the draft?

There was no draft in the south. A man could send a substitute to fight for him.

Why people in the uswere divided about the Vietnam War?

Approximately 40,000 men a month were being conscripted into the US military; most of the riots were because of the draft.

Why were the hippies against the draft?

Hippies were against the draft during the Vietnam War because it represented the government's forced involvement in a war they opposed. They believed in nonviolence and rejected the idea of being conscripted to fight in a war they did not support. The draft also symbolized the establishment and authority that hippies were generally against.

Were army reservists included in the draft?

Army reservists are already in the army. They simply need to be activated. Civilians are drafted (conscripted), they need to be processed (turned into military men).

How could a soldier be deferred from the draft during the Vietnam War?

You meant "man" being deferred from the draft. If he's already a "soldier" he's already in the army. How to avoid the draft? Stay in college, carry 18 units, maintain a 2.0 average, and you don't have to serve your country!

What can can be three topics about conscription in WW1 AND WW2 to wright about in an essay?

Here are some ideas for you:Conscription: To draft or not to draft?Are the enlisted men better at fighting than the drafted servicemen? (True answer is no.)Could they have won both wars with out the drafted men? (true answer is no.)Why was the draft discontinued?Is conscription conducted fairly?Who gets conscripted and who does not and why?

What are descriptors?

"Conscripts" during the Vietnam War were constripted men for military duty. Conscription is another word for "Draft." During the Viet War, a "drafted man" was a "conscripted man."

How did the conflict affect American soldiers?

They had a personal interest in the Vietnam war...they had to fight it (albeit against their will since they, for the most part, were conscripted by the military/or were draft induced volunteers to fight the war).

Why did Hitler draft men?

He needed them to be in the war as a soldier. He needed them to replace the soldiers who had lost their lives-he did not want to loose the war. That is why countries draft.-Round Rupert

What was it purpose OF Draft Dodging?

To avoid military service (to avoid being a soldier, or marine, etc.).