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Serena and Venus Williams. They both play tennis.

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Q: Who are the identical twins who both became professional athletes?
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Related questions

What are two horses with identical genes called?

Identical twins. Although horses sometimes have twins I'm not sure if they have identical twins.

Why identical twins are similar?

If they were not then they would not be called identical twins!

What percentage of twins are identical?

Approximately 30 of twins are identical, also known as monozygotic twins.

Why are identical twins and fraternal twins not the exact same?

Identical twins are formed from a single egg that splits into two. Fraternal twins are formed from two separate eggs that are both separately fertilized. So identical twins have identical DNA, and fraternal twins do not.

How are twins identical?

Twins are identical because they come from the same egg.

How do you get identical and non identical twins?

Identical twins are formed when one fertilized eggs splits. Non-identical twins are formed when two separate eggs are fertilized.

If I had identical twins 3 years ago what are my changes of having another set of identical twins?

The same as when you had the first set of identical twins.

A zygote that separates into two clusters of cells insted of just one prduce?

Non identical twins.

Do identical twins have identical footprints?


What are the chances of identical twins?

the chances of having identical twins are about 1 in 300.

Do identical twins always share a placenta?

No, identical twins do not always share a placenta. In some cases, identical twins may have separate placentas.

Why are the twins identical?

Twins are not necessarily identical. They can be fraternal as well. Identical twins result when one fertilized egg splits in two. Fraternal twins result from two fertilized eggs.