

Who Sponsors MSN Encarta?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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Q: Who Sponsors MSN Encarta?
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Why do people use MSN Encarta dictionary?

The MSN Encarta dictionary is popular choice of use among people because you can store, print or browse export/import vocabulary in many ways to learn a new language of Chinese. This also includes a Thesaurus all free of charge.

How big is the tailorbird?

According to MSN Encarta encyclopedia, the Common tailorbird grows to be approximately 5 inches in length.

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the plural is hypotenuses - per MSN Encarta, Collins English Dictionary, Macmillan Dictionary, and Math Forum

How could one access online MSN dictionary for free?

One way to access the MSN dictionary for free online is to use the Bing search engine and type the word "define" followed by the word you want to look up. This will provide you with definitions from MSN's partner Encarta. Additionally, you can visit the MSN Encarta webpage directly to search for words and view their definitions.

What is aggrupation?

According to MSN Encarta Dictionary:ag&Acirc;&middot;gru&Acirc;&middot;pa&Acirc;&middot;tion [ &Atilde;&nbsp;ggr&Eacute;&trade; p&Atilde;&iexcl;ysh'n ] (pluralag&Acirc;&middot;gru&Acirc;&middot;pa&Acirc;&middot;tions)noun Definition:Philippines group: a group[< Spanish agrupaci&Atilde;&sup3;n "group"]