Thunder from Down Under was created in 1989-11.
Thunder Down Under was created on 2006-08-15.
The album 'Thunder Down Under' is written and performed by Frank Gambale and was released in 1990. There is no specific song of this title but there is a song called 'Down Under' which was performed by Men At Work.
The correct spelling of the country nicknamed "Down Under" is "Australia."
The cast of Sports Down Under - 1948 includes: Truman Bradley as Narrator
We're from down under, we got that wambake thunder!
The last time i heard they are at the Excalibur hotel
Anton Fig goes by The Thunder from Down Under.
"Land Down Under" by Men at Work
The Thunder From Down Under is a male strip group exclusively featuring Australian men.They have a show in Las Vegas, performing to crowds of bachelorette parties, giggling moms, and a few gay guests.
Acdc has been called many things but the one it was called the most is the thunder from down under