I think that Texas hold em is the highest paying sport if we consider how much in prize money is awarded how often. Also I know no sporting prize bigger than 12 million which was won in the 2006 World Series (8 million in 2007). Consider internet tournaments and I think that poker would be bigger than Tennis and Golf.
Golf tournaments payoff 1½ to 7 million a week to the winner. Some pro Baseball players make base 30 million a year. That is without endorsement contracts.
It would definitely have to be football, but some Basketball players individually make more.
Probably football
between 25.000 and 90.000 euro.Depending on the country.In Europe Switzerland pays the highest orchestral salaries.
I think the highest paying sport would have to be golf.
Each player in the league will be paid a different amount depending on their value. The ticket, merchandise, and concession sales will pay the salaries.
the army
Taxpayer money is used to pay Govt. employee salaries.
Salaries vary from region to region. Typically the highest paying psychology career is that of a Ph.D. of Psy.D. level psychologist. The doctorate level is the highest level of education and therefore pays more.
us taxpayers
i thinks it is sport