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Which person do the men bring to the court to prove to the judge that Abigail and the girls were sporting?

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Q: Which person do the men bring to the court to prove to the judge that Abigail and the girls were sporting?
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What does Proctor admit to Reverend Hale about Abigail in Act 2 of The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

John Proctor reveals about his affair with Abigail in open court. He reveals it because in court Abigail calls God, and Proctor accuses her of being a woman who sleeps around and tells the court they had an affair.

What does john proctor admit in court?

That he committed adultery with Abigail Williams.

Why is Proctor arrested?

He confessed to committing adultery with Abigail. And when Abigail doesn't confess as well, they bring in Elizabeth. Elizabeth lies to the court to protect her husband. Proctor is accused as a liar, and he gets upset with how blind everyone is. Accusing them of witchcraft and hanging, etc. So he screams "God is Dead" thus making him guilty of witchcraft in their case.

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John Proctor discredits Abigail by revealing their affair to the court, thereby questioning her credibility as a witness and her motives for accusing others of witchcraft. He also highlights Abigail's previous dishonest behavior and manipulative nature to cast doubt on her accusations.