Orbital would be enough for refinishing. Much less chance of damage to the floor also. Unless you have used one before or the floor needs leveling, a belt sander can ruin a floor very quickly.
The thought of refinishing a hardware floor can be make a homeowner cringe, especially if multiple rooms needs to be done. A floor sander can make this job significantly less labor-intensive, allowing avid do-it-yourselfers to tackle the job and save some money. Sanding is the first step to the refinishing process and the purpose is the remove the existing varnish or lacquer from the wood. Wear and tear on a hardwood floor shows up as tiny scratches and scuffs that make the wood look dull and old. Refinishing can breath new life into the floor and make the room more attractive. Refinishing hardwood floors is an important project to finish before attempting to sell a home. There are two types of floor sanders that can be purchased or rented. The first is called a drum sander, and the business end consists of a round cylinder or "drum" with a sheet of sandpaper wrapped around it. The drum spins and drags the sandpaper across the floor, wearing off the old finish as well as shallow scratches and other flaws. Drum sanders are very effective, but they must be kept moving constantly. If the sandpaper spins in the same place for very long, it will sand through the wood and leave a groove that cannot be removed. The second type of floor sander is known as an orbital sander. These machines are designed specifically for refinishing floors. To avoid gouging the wood, an orbital sander uses a flat disc with sandpaper on the bottom. The sander spins the disc and drags the sandpaper flat across the floor. Orbital sanders are lighter then drum sanders, and are often easier to use. When using a floor sander, it is important to understand the numbers used for sandpaper grits. Lower numbers denote coarser paper, good for rough work like removing all the old finish at once. Higher number indicate finer sandpaper, good for finishing the job and smoothing out scratches and lines. You will want to begin with lower grits and then move up as you complete the job. This will result in a beautifully finished floor.
The orbital names s, p, d, and fstand for names given to groups of lines in the spectra of the alkali metals. These line groups are called sharp, principal, diffuse, and fundamental.
The s orbital is the orbital nearest to the nucleus in an atom.
4f orbital
The orbital is in the eye socket.
The 2s orbital is larger than the 1s orbital and is higher in energy.
The correct orbital diagram for sulfur can be represented as: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p4. This indicates that sulfur has two electrons in the 1s orbital, two in the 2s orbital, six in the 2p orbital, two in the 3s orbital, and four in the 3p orbital.
The orbital configuration for boron is 1s2 2s2 2p1. This means that boron has two electrons in the 1s orbital, two in the 2s orbital, and one in the 2p orbital.
The 2s orbital and 3s orbital both have the same spherical shape and can hold a maximum of two electrons of opposite spin. They only differ because the 3s orbital is further out from the nucleus than the 2s orbital, thus the 3s orbital has a higher energy value.
The s orbital fills before the p orbital because it has lower energy, and is more stable.
the 1s orbital is closer to the nucleus and has a lower energy level compared to the 2s orbital. Additionally, the 2s orbital has a slightly higher energy, larger size, and can hold more electrons than the 1s orbital.
In the molecular orbital configuration of HF, the fluorine 2p orbital forms a sigma bond with the hydrogen 1s orbital, resulting in the formation of a sigma bonding orbital and a sigma antibonding orbital. The electrons occupy the sigma bonding molecular orbital.