Jason Giambi lives in Hayward Hills, CA located near Oakland, CA.
Jason Giambi's birth name is Jason Gilbert Giambi.
Yes, they are brothers. Jason is the oldest.
Jason Giambi was born on January 8, 1971.
Jason Giambi was born on January 8, 1971.
Jason Giambi plays for the Cleveland Indians.
Jason Giambi is currently on the Colorado Rockies, but he did play for the Yankees.
MLB player Jason Giambi bats left.
Jason Giambi is number 25 on the Cleveland Indians.
Jason Giambi is 46 years old (birthdate: January 8, 1971).
MLB player Jason Giambi weighs 240 pounds.
MLB player Jason Giambi made $1000000 in the 2014 season.
The main MLB team that Jason Giambi played for professionally is the Oakland Athletics. Another of the teams that Jason Giambi played for is the Colorado Rockies.