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When parties sign a contract having a witness present is a good idea. A witness can provide an extra layer of protection in the event of a dispute over the terms of the contract. Having a witness can help to ensure that the signing parties are both aware of the terms and conditions of the contract and can help to verify that the contract was signed in good faith.

A witness can also be beneficial if the parties sign the contract at different times. A witness can verify that both parties received the same version of the contract and that each party had an opportunity to review it before signing. Additionally a witness can provide evidence that both parties were present when the contract was signed and that each party had the opportunity to review and discuss the terms of the contract.

If the parties decide to have a witness present when signing the contract there are certain steps that should be taken. First the witness should read the contract in its entirety to ensure that all parties understand the terms and conditions of the contract. Second the witness should sign the contract alongside the parties to confirm that the contract was signed in good faith. Finally the witness should provide contact information in case either party needs to contact them for further information about the contract.

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Josefina Kunze

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Q: When parties sign a contract at different times should they have a witness?
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The object of having a witness is to have an objective party who can attest to the transaction if the contract should be challenged or breached. Having a close relative as your witness may make the contract vulnerable. You should consult with your attorney.The object of having a witness is to have an objective party who can attest to the transaction if the contract should be challenged or breached. Having a close relative as your witness may make the contract vulnerable. You should consult with your attorney.The object of having a witness is to have an objective party who can attest to the transaction if the contract should be challenged or breached. Having a close relative as your witness may make the contract vulnerable. You should consult with your attorney.The object of having a witness is to have an objective party who can attest to the transaction if the contract should be challenged or breached. Having a close relative as your witness may make the contract vulnerable. You should consult with your attorney.

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Agreements and Contracts: When Are They Legal?

An agreement between two or more parties can indicate a legal contract. However, in order for that contract to be legally and lawfully binding, it must be signed by all individuals to whom the agreement applies. Within the language of the document should also be the specific terms to which the parties are agreeing in addition to the consequences or penalties that are due in the event that the contract is breached. While an oral agreement can also be considered legally-binding, it is typically difficult to prove it in court with a lack of evidence. To make a contract legal, the first step is to have all parties sign the contract at the very bottom of the document, along with adding the date that the contract was executed. If there are any witnesses, they may also sign it. It is also recommended to have a notary public sign the document to prove that the intended parties are using their own signatures. Though not having a witness or a notary sign the document does not necessarily affect the contract's validity, if a party challenges the authenticity in a court of law, it can influence the case's outcome. With the exception of the final page where the parties sign the contract, all other pages of the contract should also have initials to confirm all of the terms are being agreed upon. Additionally, all parties should place their initials under any changes that have been made to the original text. For example, if a paragraph has been crossed-out to show it is exempt from the agreement, all parties must initial near this paragraph. The contract title should be clearly stated on the front and specifies the purpose for the legal contract for clarification purposes. It also makes it easier to reference the document should it be involved in a court case. For example, if there is an agreement for one person to photograph a wedding, the agreement may be called "Wedding Photography Contract" or similar. Additionally, the first page should clearly state the full names of all involved parties who are signing the agreement. Finally, the document should also feature the effective and termination dates as well as any reasons why the document may be canceled prior to this date. It is very important to document all of this information in case of any breaches in contract -- and this document can also include which court jurisdiction will handle the disputes and which party must pay the attorney fees.

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One can trade a contract for difference by having a notary public write down that you want to switch contracts. Both parties should be present and agree to the terms.