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Q: When harm is caused by a crime what does RJ expect the offender to do?
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Restorative justice how does this differ from your criminal justice system?

Restorative Justice is really a theory on addressing offenders in the criminal justice system. It really focuses on repairing (hence restorative) the harm caused to the victim. This could be through community service or even mediation between the victim and the offender. While in the typical criminal justice models it is very offender focused, restorative justice has a larger focus on the victim and repairing the harm caused to the victim/ community instead of just punishing the offender.

What is an eye for an eye justice?

"An eye for an eye" justice is a principle that suggests punishment should be proportional to the harm caused by the offender. It is often associated with retributive justice, which aims to exact punishment in response to a crime committed. This principle has been debated for its effectiveness and ethical implications.

What philosophies of punishment would be most likely to allow victim-impact statements?

Retributive and restorative philosophies of punishment are most likely to allow victim-impact statements. Retributive justice seeks to balance the harm caused by the offender with a punishment that fits the crime, which can include input from the victim. Restorative justice focuses on repairing harm and often involves victims sharing their experiences and needs to inform the sentencing process.

Is requiring criminals to pay back or otherwise compensate the victims of their crime?

Restitution is a common practice in criminal justice systems where offenders are required to compensate victims for the harm caused by their actions. It can help victims recover losses and hold offenders accountable for their actions. However, factors such as an offender's financial situation and willingness to comply can impact the effectiveness of restitution orders.

What is the penal harm movement?

It's just another name for specific deterrence--i.e., the idea that by punishing an offender severely enough (by harming the offender), he or she will not reoffend.

difference between delict and crime?

delict is less harm than crime.

If you are being charged for great bodily harm and assault with a deadly weapon for defending yourself in your own home and the person came in against your wishes how are you charged and not them?

The only way this could happen is if the homeowner committed greater harm defending himself than the offender could have caused. For instance, if a burglar came into your house unarmed and you decided to shoot him or stab him, you could be charged with assault. If however a burglar broke into your home and a physical fight ensued and you were fighting for your life and you seriously injured the person or killed him, you would not be culpable of a crime.

What are the five goals of corrections?

The five goals of corrections are retribution (punishment for the crime committed), deterrence (preventing future crimes), incapacitation (removing offenders from society), rehabilitation (helping offenders reintegrate into society), and restoration (repairing harm caused by the crime).

Expansion of proverb A Life for life?

The proverb "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" means that the punishment should match the crime. It suggests that justice should be fair and proportional, advocating for the concept of retributive justice where the offender should receive a punishment similar to the harm they caused.

What is the purpose of a victim impact a statement?

A victim impact statement allows a victim to describe the impact of a crime on their life. It is used to inform the court about the physical, emotional, and financial consequences of the crime and can influence sentencing by providing the judge with a fuller understanding of the harm caused.

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What is a term for crimes that harm no one?

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