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It was Serena Williams and she hurt it whilst playing against sharapova during her match 13th September 2006 at 16:23:37

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Q: When did one of the Williams hurt her knee?
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What happened Wounded Knee?

we destroyed the Indians and one cried becasue he hurt his knee. Im pretty sure thats not true but LOL

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A knee pad and chin pads are football gear to protect you from getting hurt. If someone kicks you, for instance, the knee pad will block it and you will not get hurt.

Can you jump robe with a bad knee?

Yes, but your knee will hurt, and it might get worse.

You landed on your feet and hurt your knee What is wrong?

I know when I did that, I twisted the ligaments in my knee.

Is the sentence peter hurt his knee when he fell last week correct?

"Peter hurt his knee when he fell last week" is correct.

Make a simple sentence using the word hurt?

The fall hurt her knee.