A four course meal is a meal served in four quantities, including an appetizer; normally served in a restaurant.
Probably "Buon Appetito!" ("enjoy your meal", or "good appetite").
The Tudors served bread with every meal. Since clean water was not available for drinking, they also often served ale.
Yes a proper meal should be created and served by the same person, unless the meal is being served buffet style. However, if the guest(s) offers to help, it is acceptable for them to assist the maker of meal serve it.
The homophone of "spicy bean and beef meal served in a bowl" is "chili."
I am not too sure of what you are asking but there is a Menu which is a list of foods served at a resturaunt and there is also a banquet which is a large amount of food served as one meal.
Pasta can be served as a salad, a snack or a whole meal.
In the Middle Ages, food was typically served in three main meals: breakfast, dinner, and supper. Breakfast, known as "morgenmete," was usually a light meal served early in the morning. Dinner, the main meal of the day, was typically served around midday. Supper, a lighter meal, was served in the evening. The specific times for these meals varied depending on the region and social class.
poo and wee
The homophone for spicy beans and beef meal served in a bowl is "chili."
insalata or salad