Lenape boys didn't cook like women do but they went out and hunted for small things and play games until they were old enough to go on larger hunts with the men of the tribe and the elders
to hunt and build
The Lenape people were a Native American Tribe from Canada and the United States. The European people that were coming to Americas didnÕt understand their matriarchal ways and didnÕt value the role of the woman in the Lenape culture.
The Lenape spoke Lenape Languagealso known as Unami.
how did the lenape tribe get their food
where did the lenape got their names
what did the lenape foods grow
It is how the lenape start making things and we start making things right
The Lenape belived that thare was a corngod.They would pray to him in times of need,or befor they plant harvast.The Lenape would also make sacrifices to the corn god.
in the Lenape language, which is really the Delaware language, is he, pronounced hey as in, "hey you!"
the algonquians and the lenape used the nature around them
In the winter, the Lenape men hunted still and the women did what they normally do .