One time mine got like staled or whatever and it took three weeks.
Nonmodal is MAYBE the longest word.
dirk nowitski
The longest word starting with E is Electroencephalographically.
Bellybuttons would be the longest word I can think of beginning with a 'b' and ending in an 's'.
There can be no anagram (too many consonants). The longest words are the homophones bawl and batt, and wilt and wait. You would need an E to spell the six-letter words "battle" or "tablet."
AnswerAs far as practicable, the epistles attributed to St Paul were included in the New Testament in order of length, with the longest letter by Paul, Romans, first and the short letter to Philemon placed last. So, although Paul did not write that this would be his longest letter, its placement shows us that it is the longest epistle of Paul.
There are only two letters starting with L that I can think of; the Letter of the alphabet, which is "L" and the Word "Letter." As "Letter" is longer than "L" I can only assume that the word "Letter" is the longest letter starting with L. lymphoblastic leukemia
Brunhilde is perhaps the longest. But that is just for English language.
as long as you wantjust ziplock it and keep the air out