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Q: What was Hedy Lamar's input in radar?
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What were some of Hedy Lamarr's best skills?

she invented, and patented some radar equipment, and gave it to the U.S. govt, during WWII

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Hedy Epstein's birth name is Hedy Wachenheimer.

What colour eyes did hedy lamarr have?

Hedy Lamarr had dark brown eyes.

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When was Hedy Schlossarek born?

Hedy Schlossarek was born in 1906.

When was Hedy Schlunegger born?

Hedy Schlunegger was born in 1923.

When did Hedy Schlunegger die?

Hedy Schlunegger died in 2003.

When did Hedy Schlossarek die?

Hedy Schlossarek died in 1990.

How tall is Hedy Lamarr?

Hedy Lamarr is 5' 7".

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Hedy Ury died in 1962, in Germany.

What is Hedy Lamarr's birthday?

Hedy Lamarr was born on November 9, 1914.

When was Hedy Stenuf born?

Hedy Stenuf was born on 1922-07-18.