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Q: What sport team did Terry Fox determined to join?
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How do you pursue your hobbies?

It depends what your hobbie is. If it's a sport join a team or a club.

How do you join a team?

You can join a sport team if you play a sport and your really good at it then if someone comes and says would you like to play rep and if you say yes keep playing good and then pretty soon youll be playing for a national team for the sportyour really good at.

How do you join a sports team?

You can join a sport team if you play a sport and your really good at it then if someone comes and says would you like to play rep and if you say yes keep playing good and then pretty soon youll be playing for a national team for the sportyour really good at.

How does a kid join or play on a sport team?

I think you have to sign up but not really sure might be wrong

Why should you not join a sport?

There honestly isn't a reason why you shouldn't join a sport. But, I will give you some examples as to why you shouldn't join a sport. ' 1. You might be the only one that doesn't know the sport. 2. You might be the worst on the team. 3. You could be in the worst shape compared to the other players. But don't those things make you want to quit a sport, not join one? If you are having doubts as to whether you would like to join a sport or not, I would say go for it. From experience, chances are you will not be the worst on the team for long once you learn the sport. also, it gives you the opportunity to meet new people and it help you get into shape. It is usually turns out that you lose a lot of weight and it will help you in the long run. I would seriously consider joining a sport because it is an all a round good experience.

Can you play on a high school sports team if you don't actually go to that school?

If it is a citywide team then yes you can join. I don't really know if you can if it is just a sport for that school.

How do friends affect participation in sports?

The likely conclusion would be that a friend has much persuasion in whether someone joins a sport or not. If a friend is on the tennis team and suggests joining, there is a good chance that person will join. The same can be said for the opposite: If a friend suggests not to join the tennis team, that person will be likelier to not join.

When a tie game in soccer is being determined by penalty kicks does the player get points like a goal in the game?

The goal is for the team, not the player. So any goals scored are added to the total score for the team. It is a team sport, not an individual sport.The goal is for the team, not the player. So any goals scored are added to the total score for the team. It is a team sport, not an individual sport.The goal is for the team, not the player. So any goals scored are added to the total score for the team. It is a team sport, not an individual sport.The goal is for the team, not the player. So any goals scored are added to the total score for the team. It is a team sport, not an individual sport.The goal is for the team, not the player. So any goals scored are added to the total score for the team. It is a team sport, not an individual sport.The goal is for the team, not the player. So any goals scored are added to the total score for the team. It is a team sport, not an individual sport.The goal is for the team, not the player. So any goals scored are added to the total score for the team. It is a team sport, not an individual sport.The goal is for the team, not the player. So any goals scored are added to the total score for the team. It is a team sport, not an individual sport.The goal is for the team, not the player. So any goals scored are added to the total score for the team. It is a team sport, not an individual sport.The goal is for the team, not the player. So any goals scored are added to the total score for the team. It is a team sport, not an individual sport.The goal is for the team, not the player. So any goals scored are added to the total score for the team. It is a team sport, not an individual sport.

Is horse shoe an individual sport or a team sport?

No. It is not a sport or a team sport. But lots of people like to play it and say its a sport. :)

Is curling an individual game or a team sport?

Curling is a team sport.