Dilhara Lokuhettige was born in 1980.
Dilhara Fernando was born on July 19, 1979.
Dilhara Fernando was born on July 19, 1979.
Dilhara Fernando is 37 years old (birthdate: July 19, 1979).
The name Dilhara is of Sri Lankan origin and typically means "charming" or "captivating." It is often used as a name for girls in Sri Lanka.
They are all members of different faiths For example Dilhara Fernando is a Catholic who will sometimes attend mass with Chaminda Vaas
No he doesn't, actual he has a very high arm action
No one named Torres has ever won the Oscar for Best Original Score.
Jimmy lives in San Farnando Valley. When Jules asks Vincent where a safe house might be, Vincent replies that the Marselleus doesn't have any friendly places in "The Valley".
Islam is not A religion but it is THE religion. Mean to say that its the only religion. Its the religion of GOD for whole of humanity...