

Best Answer

The patron saints of soldiers are:Acacius of Byzantium

Adrian of Nicomedia



Ignatius of Loyola

James the Greater

Joan of Arc

Longinus the Centurian

Louis IX

Martin of Tours


Michael the Archangel

Nicholas of Myra


Stanislaus of Cracow

Theodore Stratelates

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Aileen Morissette

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What is the advantage of being sent as a soldier?

The advantage of being sent as a soldier to any nation or country include the following.1 To protect the loyalty and dignity of the country 2 To protect the laws and constitution of the country3To maintain and to protect the intergrity and territoriality of the country.

What happend to Mussolini country after his death?

i think his soldier had to protect his grave

What do soldier?

Soldiers fight wars for their country.

Why people choose to be a soldier?

A soldier fights to protect his country and risks life and limb every day so that our rights and freedom are maintained.

What job did the soldiers have?

A kingdoms soldier job is to protect the kingdom and royal family.

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The Soldier's Creed does not have relations with terrorists. It is a creed for American Soldiers and their promise to protect America from all harms against her.

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In my opinion both farmer and soldier are equal important. neither of one can live without each other a farmer makes food for a soldier and a soldier protect a farmer and his farm,so neither is above or below...

How would Roman soldier protect themselves from arrows?

They would close up and use their shields.

What was the role of an ancient Egyptian soldier?

They protected the Pharaoh and the palace. They also kept the slaves in order

Roles of a soldier in new France?

The roles of a soldier in New France were to protect the colony and keep peace. The king wanted them to work/fight for three years then settle in New France.

What does a soldier termite do?

a termite has the ability to change itself from a worker to a soldier. the queen senses a threat and releases a chemical that triggers the change in the workers. the soldiers job is simple. Protect the colony!

Which of the following is an example of a knight?

A soldier who swore an oath to protect the people and land of a superior