Troy Bodie plays for the Toronto Maple Leafs.
Troy Bodie was born on 1985-01-25.
NHL player Troy Bodie is 6'-04''.
NHL player Troy Bodie shoots right.
NHL player Troy Bodie weighs 213 pounds.
Troy Bodie is number 40 on the Toronto Maple Leafs.
Troy Bodie was born in Portage La Prairie, Manitoba on 01-25-85.
NHL player Troy Bodie was born on 01-25-85 and as of the end of the 2013-2014 season is 29 years old.
Troy Tulowitzki is a short stop for the Colorado Rockies.
Troy Brouwer plays right wing for the Washington Capitals.
Troy Niklas plays Tight End for the Arizona Cardinals.
I think he played as the quarterback