MLB player Ryan Goins is 5'-10''.
MLB player Ryan Goins was born in Round Rock, TX.
MLB player Ryan Goins bats left.
MLB player Ryan Goins throws right.
MLB player Ryan Goins weighs 185 pounds.
As of the 2014 MLB season, Ryan Goins is 26 years old.
MLB player Ryan Goins made $501900 in the 2014 season.
Ryan Goins is number 17 on the Toronto Blue Jays.
Ryan Goins was born February 13, 1988, in Round Rock, TX, USA.
Ryan Goins debuted on August 23, 2013, playing for the Toronto Blue Jays at Rogers Centre; he played his final game on September 29, 2013, playing for the Toronto Blue Jays at Rogers Centre.
Ryan Goins is 5 feet 10 inches tall. He weighs 170 pounds. He bats left and throws right.