Rasmus Ristolainen plays for the Buffalo Sabres.
Rasmus Ristolainen was born on 1994-10-27.
NHL player Rasmus Ristolainen is 6'-03''.
Rasmus Ristolainen is number 55 on the Buffalo Sabres.
Rasmus Ristolainen was born in Turku, Finland on 10-27-94.
NHL player Rasmus Ristolainen shoots right.
NHL player Rasmus Ristolainen weighs 201 pounds.
NHL player Rasmus Ristolainen was born on 10-27-94 and as of the end of the 2013-2014 season is 19 years old.
Cory Rasmus is a relief pitcher for the Los Angeles Angels.
Colby Rasmus is a center fielder for the Toronto Blue Jays.
Colby Rasmus plays for the Toronto Blue Jays.
Cory Rasmus plays for the Los Angeles Angels.