NFL player Marquise Goodwin played for Texas.
Marquise Goodwin was born on November 19, 1990
NFL player Marquise Goodwin is 5'-09''.
NFL player Marquise Goodwin is 5'-09''.
Marquise Goodwin was born on November 19, 1990
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Marquise Goodwin is 23 years old.
NFL player Marquise Goodwin weighs 179 pounds.
Archie Goodwin plays shooting guard for the Phoenix Suns.
Jonathan Goodwin plays Center for the New Orleans Saints.
C.J. Goodwin plays Wide Receiver for the Pittsburg Steelers.
DJ Monroe or marquise Goodwin
Marquise Goodwin is number 88 on the Buffallo Bills.