Markus Granlund plays for the Calgary Flames.
Markus Granlund was born on 1993-04-16.
Markus Granlund was born in Oulu, Finland on 04-16-93.
NHL player Markus Granlund shoots left.
NHL player Markus Granlund weighs 184 pounds.
Markus Granlund is number 60 on the Calgary Flames.
Mikael Granlund plays center for the Minnesota Wild.
NHL player Markus Granlund was born on 04-16-93 and as of the end of the 2013-2014 season is 21 years old.
Markus Wheaton plays Wide Receiver for the Pittsburg Steelers.
Markus Kuhn plays Defensive Tackle for the New York Giants.
Markus Zusevics plays Offensive Line for the New York Jets.
Lars Granqvist is 195 cm.