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Gasol is mainly a forward, but he plays center when Bynum is out.

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15y ago

Power Forward, but Center if Andrew Bynum isn't in.

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Marc Gasol plays center for the Memphis Grizzlies.

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small forward/shooting guard

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What does Marc Gasol play?

Marc Gasol plays center for the Memphis Grizzlies.

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Marc Gasol plays for the Memphis Grizzlies.

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Marc Gasol's birth name is Marc Gasol Sez.

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Marc Gasol was born on January 29, 1985

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Marc Gasol was born on January 29, 1985.

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Marc Gasol was born on January 29, 1985.

What is Marc Gasol's birthday?

Marc Gasol was born on January 29, 1985.

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Marc Gasol was born on January 29, 1985

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Pau Gasol does have a brother. His name is Marc Gasol and he is on the Grizzlies. They do kind of look the same so it is creepy when the Lakers play the Grizzlies.

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NBA player Marc Gasol weighs 265 pounds.

What is gasol?

Marc Gasol was born on January 29, 1985.