Jarvis Varnado plays for the Philadelphia 76ers.
NBA player Jarvis Varnado played for Mississippi State.
Jarvis Varnado was born on 1988-03-01.
NBA player Jarvis Varnado is 6'-09''.
NBA player Jarvis Varnado weighs 230 pounds.
Jarvis Varnado is number 40 on the Philadelphia 76ers.
Blocked shots in basketball does Jarvis Varnado have as of 2012
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NBA season, Jarvis Varnado is 26 years old.
NBA player Jarvis Varnado made $171696 in the 2013-2014 season.
Jarvis varnado
Jarvis Varnado, with 564 blocks
Jarvis Jenkins plays Defensive End for the Washington Redskins.