Don Barclay plays for the Green Bay Packers.
NFL player Don Barclay played for West Virginia.
Don Barclay's birth name is Barclay, Donn Van Tassel.
NFL player Don Barclay is 6'-04''.
Don Barclay was born on December 26, 1892, in Ashland, Oregon, USA.
NFL player Don Barclay weighs 305 pounds.
Don Barclay died on October 16, 1975, in Palm Springs, California, USA.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Don Barclay is 25 years old.
Don Barclay is number 67 on the Green Bay Packers.
Don Carey plays Safety for the Detroit Lions.
Don Kelly is a third baseman for the Detroit Tigers.