MLB player Domingo Santana was born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
MLB player Domingo Santana is 6'-05''.
MLB player Domingo Santana bats right.
MLB player Domingo Santana throws right.
MLB player Domingo Santana weighs 224 pounds.
As of the 2014 MLB season, Domingo Santana is 21 years old.
Danny Santana plays for the Minnesota Twins.
Santana Moss plays Wide Receiver for the Washington Redskins.
The cast of Domingo de Gre-Nal - 1979 includes: Themis Ferreira Roberto Gigante Paulo Santana
You do not play bass like Santana. You can not play bass like Santana. First, you must learn to play the bass. Any classical bass player could use the techniques Santana uses, only he uses them in a different way.
Carlos Ruiz was born in weston Florida 1948
Carlos Santana plays for the Cleveland Indians.