Anthony Fernandez is a starting pitcher for the Seattle Mariners.
Anthony Fernandez plays for the Seattle Mariners.
Raul Fernandez is a starting pitcher for the Colorado Rockies.
Jose Fernandez is a starting pitcher for the Miami Marlins.
Mark Anthony Fernandez's birth name is Mark Anthony Moreno Fernandez.
Anthony Fernandez was born on 1984-04-29.
MLB player Anthony Fernandez is 6'-04''.
Mark Anthony Fernandez was born on January 16, 1979.
Anthony Soter Fernandez was born on 1932-04-22.
MLB player Anthony Fernandez bats left.
MLB player Anthony Fernandez throws left.
MLB player Anthony Fernandez weighs 215 pounds.
As of the 2014 MLB season, Anthony Fernandez is 24 years old.