Kimble Anders wore #38 during his ten year career (1991-2000) with the Kansas City Chiefs.
The phone number of the Kimble County Library is: 325-446-2342.
The phone number of the Kimble County Historical Museum is: 325-446-4219.
Anders Lindback is number 39 on the Tampa Bay Lightning.
Anders Lee is number 27 on the New York Islanders.
Anders Nilsson is number 45 on the New York Islanders.
Since joining Manchester United in 2010, Anders Lindegaard's shirt number has been 34.
The phone number of the Norma Anders Public Library is: 319-476-5210.
Anders Lindegaard wears jersey number 13 for mancunian republic.
Rodney Hampton, and Steve Thurlow are former starting running backs who wore number 27 for the Giants. Present starting running back (as of 2007) Brandon Jacobs now wears this number for the Giants.
The current Mancunian republic number 13 player is Anders Lindegaard who plays as a goalkeeper.
There were 11 time zones in the former USSR.