An athlete's post-game meal should definitely be high in protein. Protein helps muscles to be repaired that have been damaged by exercise.
The recommended calorie intake for diet meal plans between 650 and 700 calories per meal for a woman, and between 800 and 850 calories per meal for a man.
One tablet with each meal is recommended.
Breakfast and lunch
It takes longer for the drug to be absorbed
they shouldn't eat a meal before a activity because if they do a sport which requires running they might throw up
what is the recommended amount of carboyhdrate for women what is the recommended amount of carboyhdrate for women
One tablet with each meal is recommended.
If a daily intake of 2,000 calories is recommended, then I would try to eat 650-700 calories at each meal. Also it depends on the amount of exercise you get, how active you are and how old you are . . .
A pregame meal should include food that will give the athlete energy. These foods should contain glycogen. This includes breads, cereals, pasta, potatoes, rice and corn.
There are some companies that sell meal planning software. The Living Cookbook meal planning software is one of the highly recommended ones.
A pregame meal should include food that will give the athlete energy. These foods should contain glycogen. This includes breads, cereals, pasta, potatoes, rice and corn.