

What is the most talent oriented sport?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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14y ago

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Figure skating.

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Q: What is the most talent oriented sport?
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Doctors, Lawyers, Pharmacists, and if you have the talent then try Acting, Singing and some Major Sport.

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that depends on the person. each person has a specific talent, and theres different jobs for different talents. if you were a juggler you'd be useful in a circus. Athletic, playing a sport.

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Talent and lots and lots of practice.

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100 because they have talent

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not necesarily you can be fat and be good at sport

How can you get a talent scout to notice you?

If it is for a sport or activity, attend a main and well known competition to show off your talent. If in the high school age group, then participate in high school events and competitions so that college scouts, that are most usually looking for talent, will become familiar and interested with you.

Cheerleading sport or talent?

I think that that will depend on the person who you ask. I personally believe that cheerleading is a sport, because you have to be strong and agile, but for it to be a talent, only few could do it, which is not true. If you commit yourself to cheerleading, you could be good. I hope that helps. This is my first wikianswer.

What are the predictors of talent for individuals in sport?

Physical, Physiological, Sociological, Psychological + Skill :)