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elite is the top level in gymnastics, and elite gymnasts fo the hardest skills. in gymnastics, there are the levels 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,and elite.

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Is a gymnast that trains more than 20 hours a week and does intense training, for national competitions.

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someone who is like super good at something( like dodgeball!!)

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Q: What is the definition of an elite athlete?
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Yes, she is an elite gymnast.

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You have to do the sport your playing and be watched by an elite athlete at the sport.

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The definition of a hero is someone who does an act that is brave, courageous and selfless for the benefit of others. If an athlete does such a thing, then s/he could be a hero. Winning a game or being a start athlete is not an act of heroism according to the definition of a hero.

How does an elite athlete know what is banned?

Simply go to a doctor, preferably one that specializes in sports medicine.

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Anyone who is paid to play a sport.

Can you use the word elite in a sentence?

The elite group of guardsmen were better trained and more capable than the run of the mill soldier.

Recreational athlete definition?

A recreational athlete is someone articipates in sports activities to be healthy and to have fun. The goal of a recreational athlete is to particpate, to finish or to establish a personal best. They may train for competition but not at the same intensity as would be expected of a competitive athlete.

What is the word called that's definition is rule by a landholding elite?

An Aristocracy

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Nope! Anna is a trainer on the Biggest Loser, before that she was an elite athlete, known around the world.

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Which is not a part of the definition of good sportsmanship?

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