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Q: What is fyi in tex message?
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What doesit mean when the tex message says ok...?

A text message that says 'OK' is usually a reply to a message you have previously sent.

What are cluing in letters?

FYI ~ For your information, flags a message as informational and not one requiring action.

What nicknames did Tex Henson go by?

Tex Henson went by Tex.

What does fyi meam?

"FYI" stands for "for your information. For example: "FYI, I already sent the letter."

S.E. Hinton what does tex usually hunt?

In the novel "Tex" by S.E. Hinton, the character Tex usually hunts rabbits with his brother Mason.

Is it just a fyi or just an fyi?

It's just a fyi because an is used when the first letter is a vowel.

What does FYI stand for?

FYI -For Your Information

When was TeX created?

TeX was created in 1978.

What is the birth name of Tex Mooney?

Tex Mooney's birth name is Tex Thomas Mooney.

Who is Jamie from the book Tex?

Jamie is Tex's best friend's sister. Jamie is soon Tex's girlfriend.

When was FYI Daily created?

FYI Daily was created in 2011.

How tall is Tex Brodus?

Tex Brodus is 6'.