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Q: What is curly lambeau's family information?
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Are moe Larry curly from the 3 stooges related?

Actually, Moe and Curly are from the Howard family. And Larry comes from Fine family.

Is it impossible to have naturly curly hair?

no it not impossible but someone in your family has to have curly hair that naturaul

Where can one find information on different curly hairstyles?

One can find information on different curly hairstyles in several online sites. Some Internet sites that offer curly hairstyle are Wella, DailyMakeOver, and TotalBeauty.

How can you have curly hair natually?

Most likely if someone else in your family has naturally curly hair. Is that what u meant or do u mean how to get curly hair with natural stuff?

What curly leaved salad plant is a member of the chicory family?


What is curly looking for?

Curly is looking for a discussion about a specific topic, seeking information, or wanting advice on a particular matter. Curly may also be looking for entertainment, a solution to a problem, or simply engaging in conversation.

Can your hair go curly as you get older my hair is mostly like a wavy and straight but random pieces are really curly will my hair get curlier as i grow older?

It is possible for hair texture to change as you age due to hormonal shifts and other factors. If you have random pieces of curly hair now, it's possible that your overall hair texture could become curlier as you get older. However, this is not guaranteed for everyone as hair changes can vary from person to person.

Your husband and you both have curly hair will your baby have curly hair also?

most likely. But if your sister, or anyone else in the family has striaght hair, the baby could probably get the trait from them also. it depends.

Why are brackets used in a quoted passage?

To add extra information ... E.G: I have curly hair ( which is blonde).

What breed of horses have curly hair?

The curly horse. The curly horse. The curly horse.

What part of speech is curly?

Curly is an adjective. (I.e. curly hair, curly noodles)

Why do some people grow up to have curly hair?

Runs in their family or just curl it alot and it stays like that