The average Allied soldier was about 20.
Lt. Den Brotheridge is often considered the first Allied soldier killed in the D-Day invasion. He was killed as a result of a glider crash before the actual landings.
An auxiliary soldier was a non-citizen soldier in the Roman army who served mainly in support roles such as engineering, supply, and cavalry. They were recruited from provinces and allied countries to supplement the Roman legions.
The cast of Final Word - 2012 includes: Rafe Pugh as Allied Soldier
Lt. Dan Brotheridge was the first allied soldier that died during D-Day, June 6th 1944
Basically yes, he was a Roman soldier, but he was much more than that. He was a general, a counsul, and a triumvir. He was the most powerful Roman in the eastern part of the empire. That's why Cleopatra allied herself with him.
Chu Hoi leaflets were dropped by airplanes. When an enemy soldier picked one up, it became a free pass to surrender to allied forces.
The only US soldier executed for desertion since the US Civil War. General Eisenhower approved the sentence as Supreme Allied Commander.
The cast of Island - 2004 includes: Susan Fenley as Mom Alexander Livingston as Boy Sherard Parker as Allied Soldier
Heinrich Severloh, a German soldier in charge of an MG42 during the Allied assault. He is considered to killed over 900 American soldiers that day.
Chu Hoi leaflets were dropped by airplanes. When an enemy soldier picked one up, it became a free pass to surrender to allied forces.
The allied operation Sea Lion helped Canadian soldier storm Berlin and capture top German officials. This was after the relentless bombing campaign by the Soviets.