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Q: What is a wealthy person who sponsored an artist?
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Who sponsored gladiator festivities?

The wealthy and emperor .

What is the term for a wealthy individual who supports an artist?

A wealthy individual supporting an artist is his patron.

Who sponsored the gladiator festivities?

The state and wealthy people sponsored gladiator games. A wealthy citizen might sponsor a gladiator game to celebrate or as a tribute to the deceased.

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How did wealth affect the renaissance?

The wealthy were able to build cathedrals and sponsored art.

What do you call a person who is being sponsored?

You just say their sponsored Answer: Sponsee

Word to describe wealthy person?

Wealthy people.Typhoon is a rich person.

Is a wealthy person a magnate?

yes a magnate is a wealthy person that controls BUSINESS U HAPPY

What do you call a very rich person?

you call them wealthy.

Where did the Greeks get the supplies to build the temple of Artemis?

By mining and shipping and trading: the building of the Temple of Artemis was sponsored by wealthy people.

Are you considered as a wealthy person if you drive a BMW in Malaysia?

One may or may not be considered a wealthy person if one drives a BMW in Malaysia. If one is the owner of the BMW and one drives the car, others may think the person wealthy. But if one is only the chauffeur of a wealthy person and drives the BMW for the latter, of course, the chauffeur will not be a considered a wealthy person.

What does '''sponserd person'' on Howrse mean?

Anyone who inputs your player name into the godparent box when signing up to play Howrse, is a sponsored person - sponsored by you.