

What is a post performance meal?

Updated: 10/19/2022
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14y ago

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breakfast in bed

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Q: What is a post performance meal?
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I looked into this about post workout shakes and this site also states a person needs a good post workout meal. Well here is the site for you to look at

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An athlete's post-game meal should definitely be high in protein. Protein helps muscles to be repaired that have been damaged by exercise.

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Robert Post in Performance - 1994 TV was released on: USA: 24 August 1994

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Post-prandial means "after a meal". Thus, a post-prandial blood glucose represent the blood sugar value obtained after eating a meal. At the 2 hour point the goal is around 8 mol/l

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Your post-workout meal if you work out everyday. On other days its dinner to refuel your body after a long day.

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P C means post cibum. In Eng. after meal

What does 2 hour post prandial blood sugar mean?

measuring the blood sugar 2hourse after a meal or dinner.

What range of sugar after meal?

Hi! Post meal blood sugar should be <145 mg/dl according to IDF. But target for most of the people with diabetes is <180 mg/dl. Hope I have answered your question.

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The post workout meal (the meal you eat after a workout) is probably the most important meal of the day for anyone who is into nutrition and fitness. Simply put, fat slows down digestion. In this case, it would be slowing down the digestion of protein and carbs.

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The post-bariatric surgery meal plan requires a significant change in meal planning for most people. check this site It gives more info on some recipes.

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