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Q: What is a good way to identify a fallen soldier?
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What is a good way to identify a fallen soldier to their family?

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What is a good way to identify a fallen soldie to their family?

I don't believe there is a "good" way, but the flag that he fought under and his best cap or headgear is close.

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Youll notice that demons and angels dont work well together in a deck unless your rocking black angels like fallen and crypt. My suggestion is to go Demon ogre or angel soldier

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'Show me the way to go home'

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to identify a good milk, need to smell it. if it smells wired than its bad. another way is to tast it. if it tasts sawer that's its bad

Why is appearance important in the army?

The appearance of a soldier is part of the discipline and professionalism that we require of those who represent our government. The uniform is to identify military personnel, both in conflict and in peace. The maintenance of the uniform demonstrates the degree to which the soldier respects the military way.

How can you identify a one-way-street?

Signs and pavement markings. DO NOT ENTER and ONE WAY are usually a good indicator.

Who did the soldier suggest can help Dorothy get past the desert?

The soldier with green whiskers suggested Dorothy see Glinda, the Good Witch of the South, for a way to cross the desert.

What should a girl do when she has fallen for a good friend?

If you have fallen for a good friend then the best thing to do would be to talk to them about your feelings. If you are really close, then even if it doesn't work out or they don't feel the same way, you should still be able to be friends. As I personally have fallen for a very good friend, I realize that it may be uncomfortable to talk to them about this. If they are really your friend then they will stick by you. Don't be nervous. Tell them how you feel!