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Q: What if any influnces of the mayweather compact are evident in the fundamental orders of cunnecticut?
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What was the house of burgesses and the fundamental orders of Connecticut?

the mayflower compact house of burgesses and fundamental orders of connecticut are all examples of the efforts of colonial americans to

What did the Mayflower Compact and the Fundamental Orders Of Connecticut in common?

they both are used by the puritans in Massachusetts.

What do the Mayflower Compact the Virginia House of Burgesses and the fundamental orders of Connecticut have in common?

this did nothing >:(

The Mayflower Compact is an example of what fundamental political principle?

The Mayflower Compact was an early example of the idea that a society should be based on a set of rules chosen by its members.

What are some similarities between the Mayflower Compact and the fundamental orders of Connecticut?

they both are from New York

What sort of political principles guided the creation of the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut and the Mayflower Compact?

Pilgrim @

What are some similarities between the mayflower compact and the fundamental order of Connecticut?

they both are from New York

What sort of political principles guided the creation of the fundamental order of Connecticut and the mayflower compact?

Democratic and Representative

The Mayflower Compact Fundamental Orders of Connecticut and the House of Burgesses all served as models for what document?

The Federal Constitution

How does the Mayflower Compact and the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut reflect the English contribution to American Democracy?

Well, the Mayflower Compact helped reflect the English contribution by giving every man on the ship the right to vote leading to present day every citizen being able to vote. The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut reflects by describing representative government in detail. Tell me if it helped.

What did the Fundamental orders provide for the Connecticut colonists.?

The fundamental orders of Connecticut and the Mayflower compact were early simple forms of government. The fundamental orders of Connecticut is a form of the Constitution. The people in the colony of Connecticut were provided a representative government that allowed colonists to be elected and help in the decision of key issues or on laws/regulations.

What was the first written constitution in America?

The Mayflower Compact was NOT a constitution. It was a social agreement. The answer is the Articles of Confederation.