Studies of concussion in contact sports have shown that the risk of sustaining a second concussion is even greater than it was for the first if the person continues to engage in the sport.
You have bruised your brain.
An impairment that happens during or while participating in sports that is linked to pain and functional limits is called a sports injury. Overuse, direct collision, or exerting force beyond the structural capabilities of a body part can all result in sports injuries.
You die.
Phillip Hossler has written: 'Getting a-head of concussion' -- subject(s): Sports injuries, Concussion, Brain
you lose conciousness. if the accident is severe you may lose a specific function
Contact sports, especially football, hockey, and boxing, are among those most likely to lead to concussion. Other significant causes include falls, collisions, or blows due to bicycling, horseback riding, skiing, and soccer.
when you get a concussion. you black out and don't remember anything. when you wake up you will be asking questions and everything and wont know where your at. then you will start remembering stuff as soon as your up.
It affects the way you react to things... for instance if you get a concussion and you still have "concussion like symptoms" and if you get hit again and get another concussion that's some serious brain damage... they are trying to help keep everyone safe in the sports industry.
A grade 1 concussion can usually be treated with rest and continued observation alone. The person may return to sports activities that same day, but only after examination by a trained professional
Perhaps you are looking for the word "conclusion" or "concussion". See related questions.
The levels of a concussion are referrred to as Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3. Grade 1: Temporary disorientation, no loss of consciousness, all symptoms clear up in less than 15 minutes. Grade 2: Temporary disorientation, no loss of consciousness, symptoms persist for 15 minutes or more. Grade 3: Any loss of consciousness, whether for seconds or minutes. There's a good article on Concussion Management in Organized Sports that explains more. See