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Scunthorpe, Arsenal and Manchester f£%king united.

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Stefan Kuntz

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Arsenal Scunthorpe lliverpool

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Q: What football players names sound like swear words?
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Are record players turntables becoming popular?

No, they become less popular every year. Audio purists swear by the analog sound though, and a nice shiny piece of vinyl can sound so buttery rich and enthrall the ears!

Is Analise a swear word?

analise is not a swear word because I've never heard it is a swear word and it's often used to names.

How do you do keyboard art on Moshi Monsters?

You have to swear at other players until they kill themselves.

Is the sh word a swear word?

No, the word "sh" is not considered a swear word. It is typically used as a sound to indicate quietness or to hush someone.

What is the meaning of cockoo?

Well.. It is a swear word in Polish.. A cockoo makes the sound.. I dunno! LOL

Are college coaches allowed to swear?

yes! they throw chairs at the crowd sometimes... that's a little out of hand but yes they are allowed to swear...

Why can't players say things on Poptropica?

they probably don't want people on poptropica to swear or share personal info.

What are some words that have ear in it but have an air sound?

pear, bear, tear, wear, swear, underwear, tearing.

What games are free and you dont have to download them and you can interact with other players?

here is a great one : WARNING A LOT OF PEOPLE SWEAR ON IT

What most likely makes a sound when falling into mud?

A person? Most people would probably yell or squeal or swear.

When should preteens starts swearing?

Swearing is not an of age type of privilege. In fact, even adults sound quite ignorant when using swear words so preteens should take such into consideration before they begin to swear.

Why does Vevo block out every brand name and swear word in a song?

Because using brand names in a song is like advertising something for free, and that's not fair. And swear words are unnecessary and crude and stuff like that.