What has the author Fernando de Rojas written?
Fernando de Rojas has written:
'La Celestina' -- subject(s): Tragicomedy
'The Spanish bavvd, represented in Celestina: or, The
tragicke-comedy of Calisto and Melibea'
'Libro de Calixto y Melibea y de la puta vieja Celestina'
'Calisto y Melibea'
'La Celestina, tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea'
'La Celestina,the Spanish bawd'
'Comedia de Calisto y Melibea'
'Die Celestina-Ubersetzungen von Christof Wirsung'
'Celestina' -- subject(s): Accessible book
'The Spanich bawd, represented in Celestina, or, The
tragicke-comedy of Calisto and Melibea'
'Celestina, La'
'La Celestina'
'Celestina or The tragicke-comedy of Calisto and Melibea'
'La Celestina y Lazarillas'