

Best Answer

We Ready! We ready! We ready! For Y'alllllll!(2x)

What time is it? Game time! What time is it? Game time! There's a ghost in the house, (team barks like dog) (2x)

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Q: What does ray Lewis pregame chant say?
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How do you say A Christmas Carol in French?

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un chant d'oiseau, le chant des oiseaux

If Ray Lewis was married why do the posts say he is single now?

The posts are pure gossip and they do not always get the facts straight

Is chant a noun?

Yes, the word 'chant' is both a noun (chant, chants) and a verb (chant, chants, chanting, chanted). Examples:Noun: He recited a chant his mother would say to put him to sleep as a child.Verb: The crowd began to chant, 'Go, Jimmy, go!".

To sing or say a phrase over and over?

Chant is defined as to sing or to say something over and over again. An example of chant is to continuously shout the same cheer at a sporting event.

Why they call ray Lewis sugar?

all the all-time greats of their sports with the name ray usually get called that sometimes for example sugar ray Robinson and sugar ray Leonard, so occasionally you will hear people say sugar ray because he is one of the best players of all time

How do you say the angel's song in french?

Chant des anges

Is chant an onomatopoeia?

Yes, the word "chant" is considered an onomatopoeia because when you say it, it mimics the sound of chanting or singing in a rhythmic and repetitive manner.

A word meaning to say or sing a phrase over and over?


How do you say Lewis in German?

The same way you say it in English: Lewis.

Did Ray Lewis murder anyone?

Ray Lewis was never prosecuted for murder since he testified against two others who were indicted with him for murder. Those two were acquitted and Ray Lewis pled guilty to obstruction of justice in exchange for his testimony. He was given 1 year probation and fined $250,000 by the NFL. Murder is defined as "the unjust taking of a life," so you can be guilty for murder under the law without personally killing anyone. It could be asked if he 'killed' anyone or even if he "stabbed' anyone. Ray Lewis did witness a stabbing that led to the death of two people, but some witness claim he was trying to act as peacemaker to the fight between the decedents' group and Ray Lewis' group. One witness with credibility issues did state that Ray Lewis stabbed someone during the fight. His limo driver also originally told police that he saw Lewis throw a punch, but the driver later changed his story to say that he saw Ray only take his arm back, but not swing. What is clear is that Lewis lied to police by omitting the two other individuals charged with murder from the people he told police were inside the limo with him as it sped away from the scene.

What do you call it when you say or sing a phrase over and over again?