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Q: What did you like the best ( or least )about ''the cermation of sam mcgee''?
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What problem does Sam Mcgee have with his surroundings?

He doesn't like the cold

What is the simile in The Cremation of Sam Mcgee?

2 similes are, Through the parka's fold it stabbed like a driven nail, and the land of gold seemed to hold him like a spell

What are the assonance in the cremation of Sam McGee?

Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds in nearby words. In "The Cremation of Sam McGee," assonance can be found in lines like "of Sam McGee," where the short "e" sound is repeated. This helps create a musical and rhythmic quality to the poem.

Did Sean mcgee kill his self?

Sean mcgee killed hisself because people didnt like him for who he was...his momma didnt care..and his daddy didnt he killed hisself bekause of his life.

What are the symbols on Alice's dress in American Mcgee's Alice?

They look a lot like alchemy symbols.

Do your best guy friends think of you in a perverted way?

If they do they like you well at least one of them.

Is the character Tim McGee played by Sean Murray has lost a lot of weight is he sick?

yes, very credible sources inform that Sean Murray is suffering from a very serious illness called homosexuality

Is court mcgee a Muslim?

no... just because he has facial hair which makes him look like one doesn't actually make him one.

Where are some simile in Maniac McGee in chapter 33?

In Chapter 33 of "Maniac McGee," the author Jerry Spinelli uses the simile "Like ashes spreading on the wind" to describe a feeling of vulnerability and exposure. This simile conveys a sense of fragmentation and instability in the character's emotional state.

What is it like being in second?

It feels great o be in second because, at least you tried and like they always say first is the worst, second is the best!

How can you get a popular guy who hates you to like you or at least notice you?

Don't waste your time on him, honey. Look your best, be your best and if he's really worh it, he'll come to you.

Who does the woman and car voice over on the chevron commercial?

I'd like to know for sure, but it sure sounds like Jackie Leary, the polygraph operator on NCIS, who had a crush on McGee.